Week Eight: July 14-July 19

Summer Beach Project 2012 has officially come to an end. Check out this short video for a few student testimonies. Thank you for your support this summer!

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Week Seven: July 7-July 13

By the time you read this, there will only be 3 more days of Summer Beach Project 2012! This is the last “weekly update.” The next and final update will consist of testimonies about what God has done in the lives of students on project. I hope you have enjoyed sharing this experience with us! Project could not have been successful without faithful supporters; thank you again!

Every Sunday night we end our Sunday Sabbath with prayer training. During prayer training we have a time of worship through song, followed by a message on prayer.  Campus Outreach teaches the “ACTS” model of prayer. This is an acronym that stands for adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. During adoration, students spend time proclaiming God’s attributes and character back to Him in prayer. The best way to adore a person is by telling them all of the great character qualities he or she possesses. Adoring God is no different. He is worshiped and glorified through His people proclaiming who He is back to Him in prayer. Confession is a time of acknowledging and turning from our sins that have offended our righteous and holy Father. Confession is followed by a time of thanksgiving; thanking God for His many blessings: physical, emotional, and spiritual. The ACTS prayer model is ends with supplication. Supplication is a time of asking and pleading with God to do things in our lives and the lives of those around us. Students have enjoyed learning this model of prayer because each step naturally flows into the next step. After spending time reflecting and praying on who God is (adoration), one naturally realizes how short he or she falls of God’s perfect standard (Romans 3:23) which leads to a time of confessing sin. This leads into a time of thanking God that regardless of imperfections, He forgives people because of Christ Jesus (Psalm 103:12). Giving thanks to God and reminding ourselves of the Gospel, leads to boldly asking God to move in situations and others’ lives. (Hebrews 4:16) During prayer training, students have also learned to pray bold, God centered prayers. Prayer training has dramatically influenced the prayer life of students at project!

This was the last full week of Summer Beach Project; this means the last training packet talks, last group dates, and last week of work! Students are ready for a break from work as many of them are working 40 hours a week on top of all the other project activities. Wednesday evening, students hosted an employer’s banquet in order to thank employers for hiring them and working around their busy schedules. The meeting was similar to the parents’ weekend meeting including worship, a skit, and a message. Stuart Lockhart, a team leader from Wingate University, shared the Gospel with employers and challenged them to evaluate if they really know Jesus. Afterwards, there was a dessert reception and music entertainment by Campus Outreach Alumni, Frank Hurd. This gave students time to have Gospel centered conversations with their co-workers. Through faithful conversations at work and the employer’s banquet, one Wal-Mart employee made a profession of faith; praise God for His faithfulness!

This was also the last week for group dates. The purpose of group dates is for men to learn how to intentionally think and plan for their sisters in Christ. It is also a great opportunity for students on project to get to know each other. To thank the boys for planning six weeks of awesome group dates,  students mixed it up a little and had “Sadie Hawkins” this week! The girls on project “woo’d” the boys all week by baking them goodies, writing silly poems, and leaving them surprises. Thursday night was the big reveal and the boys found out who their secret dates were. The girls planned great dates; they served the guys awesome food and planned fun events like putt-putt, paint wars, and basketball. The men loved being thanked for their hard work and the girls loved getting to plan dates that the boys would enjoy! Check out a few of the pictures below.

Dr. Seuss Themed Group Date.

Dr. Seuss Themed Group Date.

Redneck Themed Group Date.

Redneck Themed Group Date.

Prom Themed Group Date.

Prom Themed Group Date.

Pirate Themed Group Date.

Pirate Themed Group Date.

Ninja Themed Group Date.

Ninja Themed Group Date.

Paint War Group Date.

Paint War Group Date.

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Week Six: June 30-July 6

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Did you know that if every Christian told everyone they knew about the Gospel, and all those people told everyone they knew, there’d still be 2.85 billion unreached people? This week was “Missions Week” at project. During Missions Week, all the messages are centered around God’s desire for His glory to go forth to all nations (Psalm 67 & Psalm 96). We learned that we are a God dependent people (Acts 1:4-5) and that witnessing is part of a Christian’s identity, not just something he or she does (Acts 1:8). We also learned that every interaction is an opportunity to increase worship of the King. This has been a helpful mindset for students at work; they’re not just refilling peoples’ soda or stocking shelves, they’re interacting with lost people who have a chance to see Christ in them! Students left theme night with a challenge backed up by scripture: “Almost 2,000 years ago, God used 11 faithful, ordinary disciples to spread His Gospel from one small town, to the ends of the earth. Today, it’s reached you, sitting in this room in Myrtle Beach. It took a faithful God and willing men. God is still faithful, are you willing?” (Matthew 28:18-20 and Romans 10:14-15) Students were also challenged to pray for a persecuted country throughout the week and for a heart for the nations. The Scriptures are clear, we’ve been called to go and preach the good news. The question isn’t whether or not to go, it’s how to be faithful to God’s call; whether that means sending people or going ourselves. Pray along with students on project for the will to be obedient to Jesus’ final words and ask God how He would have you participate in the Great Commission! God’s promised to be with us always, what do we have to fear? (Psalm 118:6) Check out these great resources for information and prayer guides on nations around the world: The Joshua ProjectOperation World, Voice of the Martyrs.

On Wednesday night, students attended a Pig Pickin’ and then went to the beach to watch fireworks and fellowship together. Since it was the 4th of July, students dressed up in patriotic clothing. Everyone looked ridiculous and had a lot of fun; check out the picture below of students on the way to the Pig Pickin’!

July 4th Celebration!

July 4th Celebration!

On Thursday night, students attended the Men’s and Women’s Social.
The women dressed in comfy clothes and gathered for a time of food, fun, and fellowship. Armed with pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, the girls started the night with a time of letter-writing, dancing, and crafts. The team leader women spoke on different sins that seem to attach themselves at the root of the hearts of women; such as struggles with body image, desire for approval, and a performance based mentality in the Christian walk. The women also had a time of prayer, journaling, and conversation in hopes of discovering their own personal struggles with root sins. Many students were able to share deep struggles with one another and bring big issues to the Light. Praise God for His revealing work at Women’s Social!

A few of the 100 women at Women's Social.

A few of the 100 women at Women’s Social.

The Men’s Social looked a little bit different than the Women’s. The Men arrived in jorts (cut-off jean shorts), tank tops, and mustaches for a night of dodge ball, delicious food, and a message from a friend of Campus Outreach, Rob Sturdy. The men heard a compelling message from Rob about the need for boys to grow up into Godly men who will lead Churches and families to the glory of God. The men were told that this responsibility is bigger than themselves, but there’s power in the Gospel (Romans 1:16), and with God’s help, they can become the men God is calling them to be. Praise God for raising up the next generation of Christian men at the Summer Beach Project!

Some of the 70 men playing dodge ball at the Men's Social.

Some of the 70 men playing dodge ball at the Men’s Social.

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Week Five: June 23-29

While at the Summer Beach Project, students attend various local churches to experience being involved in a church community. The ministry of Campus Outreach functions as an “arm” of the Church onto local campuses and sees an extreme value for membership in a local Gospel-centered Church.

Each Campus Outreach region sits under the authority and supervision of a regional church. Campus Outreach partners with numerous denominations that are healthy, Bible believing, evangelical, Gospel preaching, and reformed in their doctrine.  These Regional Churches provide a crucial source of accountability, leadership and a substantial percentage of the resources for the region’s effective existence. (Taken from the CO-Charlotte Website, click here to learn more.)

For the past 16 years students have been attending Surfside Presbyterian Church under the pastoral care of Julian Riddle. Students have come to love Pastor Riddle, giving him the affectionate nickname of “P. Rid”. Pastor Riddle, along with pastors from our other churches, continuously sacrifice their time and energy during these eight weeks to make students on project feel welcome into their church family. One way our church congregations make students feel welcome is by the “adopt a college student” program. During these eight weeks, a family from the church “adopts” a room of students as their own. Many families invite the students into their homes, allow them to do laundry, and take them out to Sunday lunch. We love our adopted families; they are a great example to students of Godly families living in a God glorifying way within a local church.

Before students attend church on Sunday, we join together for stewardship training. The purpose of stewardship training is “to embrace the person and work of Jesus Christ as the motivation behind all stewardship decisions, to steward God’s gifts in such a way that displays Jesus Christ as our greatest treasure, and to confidently trust and rightly handle the Word of God as sufficient and authoritative for all our stewardship concerns.” Some different topics discussed include how to rest on the Lord’s day, how to manage time intentionally, how to manage money and resources, how to evaluate and journal, and how to pursue health and fitness to the glory of God. These different topics give students a helpful look at how to address practical situations and issues in day to day life in a God glorifying way.

Check out the quotes below from a few different students on what they’re learning on project so far!

Kat Falzareno- Guilford College, First year student: “One thing God is teaching me at the Summer Beach Project is that there is freedom found in acknowledging and sharing my struggles with my room. Doing this has  allowed the light of the Gospel to shine in dark places and transform my heart.”

Brooklyn Boston- Wingate University, First year student: “One thing God is teaching me at the Summer Beach Project is that He is the reward to life and everything stopping me is a slight, momentary affliction. If I depend on Him, and trust in Him no darkness will cover me.”

Andrew Cash- UNCC, First year student: “I have learned this summer the importance of not only just reading God’s word, but submitting my life to it. God knows me better than I do and wants what is best for me. Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your statutes! -Psalm 119:12”

Chad Coleman- Georgetown University, First year student: “One thing God is teaching me at the Summer Beach Project is the worth or value of knowing Jesus. He is showing me that Christ is more valuable than everything in my life. Yes, EVERY SINGLE THING.”

Sam Barker- Wingate University, First year student: “If I had the whole world and everything I could ever dream of, and then lost it, I would still have EVERYTHING because Jesus Christ is all I will ever need.”

These are just a few, small testimonies of how God is changing hearts and lives this summer. Please continue to be in prayer for students during the final two and a half weeks; God’s not done moving yet!

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Week Four: June 16-22

Last weekend, families and friends of students on project were invited to spend the weekend at Myrtle Beach and to learn more about the Summer Beach Project. Many accepted the invitation and traveled to the beach to enjoy a weekend of beautiful weather! Most of the weekend consisted of free time to relax with visiting friends and family members, but Saturday night the students and staff  had a special treat for everyone. Parents arrived to the evening’s festivities early for a brief information session about the ministry of Campus Outreach and life on project. Students arrived shortly after for a mock Monday night theme training. (Click here to listen to this summer’s theme training talks.) Various students participated in a humorous skit depicting “a day in the life of project”; including 5 AM alarm clocks and people with opposite personalities trying to live as roommates. (Actually a fairly accurate representation!) The worship team led worship and David Springer, the area director of University of North Carolina Greensboro and Elon University, summarized the project theme, The Reward. (Click here to read more about this summer’s theme.) Numerous parents heard the Gospel presented for the first time this weekend; one parent even professed faith in Christ after Saturday night’s talk! Many students had the opportunity to have Gospel centered conversations with family and friends over dinner Saturday night. Praise God that students’ love for Jesus is spilling over to effect family members’ and friends’ eternity!

Last weekend also marked a big change in the structure and leadership of project. The staff team has officially left project for the remainder of the summer with the exception of Tennant Brastow, the project director, and Alicia Harbold, the women’s coordinator. The staff team leaves the project for about three weeks each year to raise support so that they can be effective witnesses on campus the following year. Tennant, Alicia, and the team leaders have boldly stepped into leadership positions in order to develop as leaders, logistically and spiritually. Team leaders are now in charge of teaching the training packets and communicating between the hotel, employers, and churches. While caring for 180 college students living in a hotel in Myrtle Beach is no easy task, the leadership team is confidently trusting that this is the Lord’s project and that God is going to continue moving in students’ lives regardless of our perceived failures. We are simply trying to steward the project in a way that glorifies Him!

Some of this years SBP team leaders.

Some of this years SBP team leaders.
Back Row: Tim Garber (Elon), Stuart Lockhart (Wingate), Gavin Billings (Elon), Brenden Hoover (Charlotte), Ned Cuthbertson (2012 Elon Alumni), Tennant Bratsow (Staff at Davidson). Front Row: Jennah McKeon (UNCC), Julie Nichols (Wingate), Rachel McCullough (Wingate), Alicia Harbold (Staff at UNCG), Meredith Honeycutt (UNCG). Not pictured: Sarah Pickett (UNCG), Caroline Hammond (UNCC), David Borrelli (UNCC).

Project is split into six different teams. Each team consists of 2 team leaders, 7 to 8 room leaders, and 23-29 first year students. Every week at project, a different team is responsible for the week’s activities. This includes management and momentum of the project, a skit and testimony for theme training, leading opening and closing the gates (6:30 AM and 10:45 PM 15 minute prayer sessions for project to participate in), encouraging students on project throughout the week, and many other small details. As you can imagine, planning and implementing a week teaches students time management and responsibility. Campus Outreach cares not only for students’ spiritual growth, but also for growth as a well-rounded person. Assigning each team a different week helps facilitate this growth. Many teams plan creative fun events such as selling ice pops for a dollar to help raise financial support and nights of worship and prayer on the beach.

Theme Training

Monday Night Theme Training Excitement!

Check out the video below of a first year student’s testimony of what God is doing in her life through SBP!

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Week Three: June 9-June 15

The ministry of Campus Outreach is based around discipleship. We believe scriptures are clear about the value of discipleship, (it’s how Jesus did ministry) and we see the importance of it in Jesus’ final command to the world. (Matthew 28:18-20) One way we facilitate discipleship is through team leaders and room leaders. In the last two posts, you’ve heard testimonies from room leaders. A room leader is a more spiritually mature student (who has usually been on a beach project before) who lives with 2 to 3 first year students. The room leader’s job is to build relationships with those in the room in order to help train them in Bible study, prayer, and evangelism. This design also builds value for Christian community. 2 Timothy 2:2 is an important verse explaining the role of a leader on project: “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” The goal is that team leaders will be able to apply 2 Timothy 2:2 in relationships with room leaders and in turn room leaders with first year students. The definition of discipleship that Campus Outreach uses is

Discipleship is the work of the Holy Spirit through a relational process in which a Christian with a life worth emulating commits himself for an extended period of time to a few hungry individuals with the purpose of establishing them in growth to maturity, equipping them to reproduce themselves into a third spiritual generation, and exporting them to the world.

One of the ways we establish students in the Word at the Summer Beach Project is through Bible study training. During Bible study training, students learn the “Inductive Bible Study Method.” This method has three basic steps: observation, interpretation, and application. Each week, the different steps have been explained and put into practice during training. This method is helpful because it’s easy to use in groups and in individual quiet times while providing rich enjoyment of the Word.  The Inductive Bible Study Method is useful for studying one verse to a whole chapter of scripture! It’s also simple to teach to others, helping fulfill the “equipping them to reproduce themselves” part of the definition of discipleship. Along with the Bible study training, the entire project is participating in a suggested daily Bible study plan. Many rooms have devoted themselves to studying this plan together and wake up as early as 6 AM numerous times a week to study the Word of God together!

Summer Beach Project 2012 at Bible study training.

Summer Beach Project 2012 at Bible study training.

Practicing Interpretation.

Practicing Interpretation.

On Thursday nights, students have the opportunity to relax, take their mind off work, and have a good time at various project socials. So far this year, students have filled up a movie theater, went bowling, and this week performed in “SBP Idol”. Students are assigned partner rooms and then pick a song to choreograph a short dance to. Most groups dress up to play the part and some even use props to try to be the #1 performance! It’s a highly entertaining event for everyone filled with lots of laughing. Check out the picture below of a few of the team leaders dressed up as judges!

Team Leaders posing as judges for SBP Idol.

Team Leaders posing as judges for SBP Idol.

Also, be sure to watch the video below of Jon’s testimony of how God is uniquely growing him this summer!

Finally, check out the picture below. Project’s worship team, made up of students on project, does a fantastic job of picking songs that are God-centered, proclaim the Gospel, and show the glory of our God!

Students Worshiping during Theme Training.

Students Worshiping during Theme Training.

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Week Two: June 1-June 8

This week, students at project had the privilege of attending a relationship seminar titled “Light It Up” by Clint and Rachel Darst, a couple formally on staff with Campus Outreach Charlotte.

The purpose of this seminar was to convince students that because you are in the Light you can and must live (specifically in dating and relating with the opposite sex) like one who is in the Light. Hence the title, Light It Up.  Clint and Rachel spoke from 1 Peter 2:9-12. They talked about the privilege of being God’s people (1 Peter 2:9a), the purpose of being God’s people (1 Peter 2:9b), the path of being God’s people (1 Peter 2:9b-10), and the practicals of being God’s people (1 Peter 2:11-12) specifically in light of dating relationships. They encouraged students to “light up their dating relationships” with the Gospel, God’s word, Christian community, a clear conscience, and wisdom. These practicals are beneficial for students as they evaluate current relationships or begin thinking about what they desire in a future spouse. Afterwards, males and females separated into different groups and Clint, Rachel, and the staff team answered specific questions concerning how to date in a way that glorifies God. Pray that this seminar would affect how students view dating and relationships in a culture that is filled with sin in this area.

Relationship Seminar Game

Married staff couples at the relationship seminar playing “The Newlywed Game.”

The Holy Spirit was moving in students this week in the area of evangelism.  During the last week and a half of project, 5 students on project have made professions of faith! Praise the Lord for bringing people to Himself; we have been rejoicing with the angels! (Luke 15:10). Not only have students on project turned away from their sin and trusted in Jesus for forgiveness, but at least 15 people professed faith through beach and personal evangelism in the last week alone! Students have been encouraged to share the good news of Jesus with people in their work places and on their own time (apart from evangelism training on Wednesdays). Many students have risen to the challenge! During free time, on group dates, and while doing laundry, numerous students have had the opportunity to share who Jesus is with strangers that they meet. This is not only great practice for sharing the Gospel on their various campuses but it also helps students get over initial fears and grows them in boldness! We hope to turn Myrtle Beach upside down this summer as we continue faithfully sharing our faith with our lives and our words. (Acts 17:6)

Andrew Hathaway Leading Evangelism Training

Andrew Hathaway, on staff with CO Charlotte, teaches about the character of God during evangelism training.

Students taking notes before going out on the beach to share their faith.

Students taking notes before going out on the beach to share their faith during evangelism training.

Check out the video below of one student’s story of witnessing God moving in the life of one of his classmates.

Thank you for your continued prayers. We are thankful for your partnership in the Gospel this summer! (Philippians 1:3-5)

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Week One: May 24-May 31

The Summer Beach Project 2012 has officially begun!

"The Reward"

Summer Beach Project 2012 staff and student participants.

180 college students from North Carolina and Washington D.C. are officially settled in Myrtle Beach, SC for 8 weeks to grow in their relationship with God. While at the beach, students balance working full-time jobs and training in Bible study, prayer, evangelism, and stewardship (of body, time, money etc), and various social events.

This year students are working jobs at many locations throughout Myrtle Beach such as Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Bi-Lo, Zaxbys, Seamist Resort, and NASCAR Speedpark. The Lord has graciously provided jobs for every student on project and many of them have already started working and building relationships with their co-workers in hopes of sharing the Gospel with them!

A week in the life of student at project is hectic! Here’s a glimpse inside a typical week:

Monday– Work 5:00 AM- 5:00 PM
Project Meal- 6:00 PM
Theme Training- 7:30 PM-10:30 PM
Curfew- 11:00 PM

Tuesday– Work 5:00 AM- 5:00 PM
Room Clean Up- 5:30 PM
Bible Study Groups- 6:00 PM
Team Time- 9:00 PM
Curfew- 11:00 PM

Wednesday– Servant Leadership Training- 9:00 AM- 1:00 PM
Evangelism Training- 1:15 PM- 4:30 PM
Free Night Until Curfew- 11:00 PM (Students typically use this time to go on group dates as rooms in order to get to know one another better and to learn how to relate as brothers and sisters in Christ.)

Thursday- Work 5:00 AM-5:00 PM
Project Meal- 6:00 PM
Project Social- 7:30 PM
Curfew- 12:00 AM

Friday- Bible Study Training- 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Work 2:00 PM-11:00 PM

Saturday- Work- 5:00 AM- 11:00 PM

Sunday- Stewardship Training- 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM
Church- 11:00 AM
Rest/Sabbath- 12:30 PM- 7:00 PM
Prayer Training- 7:30 PM
Campus Time- 9:30 PM- 10:30 PM
Curfew- 11:00 PM

This years theme for Summer Beach Project (which we learn about in theme training) is “The Reward.” This summer our prayer is that students will grow to treasure Jesus Christ as their true reward, not just the gifts that Christ offers us such as salvation, fulfillment, forgiveness etc). While those are incredible gifts of grace, we want to behold Jesus as our only reward this summer! We see this in the Scriptures in Hebrews 11:23-25. Moses chose to be mistreated for a short time with the people of Israel because he had his eyes on the ultimate reward- Jesus! Please pray we would be like Moses this summer, forsaking earthly riches and rewards for the eternal reward of “knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:4-6)

This week was many students first time learning how to study the Bible, pray God- centered prayers, and share their faith. It’s been an amazing week and God has already begun to move in the lives of students seeking His face this summer! Check out the video below for a testimony of how God is already moving on project.

Team Super Soaker room leaders acting out “Beauty and the Beast” at Broadway at the beach during a scavenger hunt.

Hopefully this gives you a glimpse into the first week of SBP. Thank you for your continued support!

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